Studying by using any device might be surrounded by several distracting things . Since the computers,phones, and other devices are not just for studying. In other words, various activities can be done in them, not only the educational ones. However, the other subjects' notifications may annoy the learners during the process of studying. Yet, avoiding them is somehow hard to be achieved. Therefore, I found that turning those distractors into helpful notifications that contribute in concentrating very well while learning online is a crucial step.
Notifications work as an alarm to remind the users of doing something, checking out a new post, and other incalculable messages and so on. But, if we make them remind us of the homework, preparing for a test or an exam, reading about specific subject,...etc, those notifications will increase the knowledge of the users.
- Firstly, anyone of you must chose the paramount notifications that he/she is sure that they are helpful and needed.
- Secondly, vary between the sounds of notifications to wake up your mind, and to not let your brain consider all of them are related to the same topic, for instance: one sound refers to studying history time, and the other one for reading a novel. And also to not get bored.
- Monitor your performance; wether you are applying what you have planned for or not.
At the end of this essay, our brains need something to wake them up from daydreaming, to get rid of carelessness and power up their energies. However, this will never be achieved without hardworking, good planning, time management.